Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Get Long Time Charge From Your Laptop

New laptop may provide long time charge but when this Laptop is old then it’s battery may not provide long time charge. Long time charge is very much important when you are working very important task in Laptop and there is a problem to charge the battery frequently. So  you need to get long time charge from your laptop. To get long time charge from your laptop you can use some techniques.

01.You can decrease the brightness of your Laptop to get long time charge from your Laptop’s battery .You can do it from the  power option of control panel.
02.Decrease the resolution of your  monitor. Use windows icon but not extra icon pack.
03.Don’t keep the CD or DVD  in the  CD or DVD – ROM  when you are not using the disk to get long time charge from your laptop. This will be taking charge from  the battery  until there is  CD or DVD  though you are not you are not using the disk.
04.When the charge level of the battery  is at the minimum stage then you should avoid to use  any types of USB drive such as pen drive ,external hard disk, memory card reader and digital camera. Because it will create pressure on battery.

05.When I-POD  or Smartphone are connected to the laptop through data cable, it starts to take the charge from the laptop. So you should avoid to connect I-POD or Smartphone when the charge  of the battery is in minimum level.

06.Try to avoid using internet at the minimum level of charge  if you can.

07.Unnecessary program should be stopped from start up.

08.As the Laptop is hot, as it is slow. For this reason charge of the battery will be demolished  quickly. you should clean the air vent regularly  for using the cooling system of Laptop properly. But  be careful .Don’t try to clean when your Laptop is running .Again you should not start the Laptop when air vent is open.
Now apply these techniques and get long time charge from your Laptop .

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